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UnFIX Foundation

In a world where ChatGPT, deep learning, and Large Language Models dominate the headlines, a remarkable transformation is underway. While the debate rages on about job displacement versus job creation, the true impact of AI might lie elsewhere. It's time to look beyond the surface.

unFIX Foundation v2

How to create organisation with focus on Customer Experience?

The value-add of knowledge work is shrinking rapidly; specialists will be replaced by generalists, and middle managers turn into the chiefs of micro-enterprises. There are more and more tools, service providers and information. The teams of the future consist of humans and AIs, where human value is in physical presence, craftsmanship, and true innovation. Companies need to drive AI adoption across the enterprise, and everything is so unpredictable, organizational structures and ways of working need to be more versatile than ever. To be successful, companies have to provide the best customer experience to keep them engaged. Who will help the organization recalibrate continuously?

Join us as we delve into the innovative unFIX model pattern library can equip you to not only survive but flourish by dynamically crafting your own methods.

The unFIX model is a pioneering pattern library that assists you in creating adaptable organization designs. Distinguishing itself from many agile scaling frameworks and self-management methods, unFIX concentrates on fostering continuous innovation and prioritizing the human experience. It encourages a gradual transition, dynamic teams, and a significant role for managers.


Target audience
Middle managers, organization designers, HR professionals, team leaders, agile coaches, product managers, business consultants, entrepreneurs

Between 1 to 3 days, depending on the event

Short presentations + fun exercises + discussions

Note: The exact topics covered in a workshop depend on its duration and the selection by the facilitator and attendees. This is our recommended standard selection:

1st Day

  • Pattern Languages

  • Voting Options and Decision-Making Methods

  • Crew Types, Turf Types, Forum Types, Base Types

  • Teaming Options

  • Case Studies

2nd Day

  • Human Drives, Vision of Experience

  • Value Streams, Lifecycle Stages, Investment Horizons

  • Innovation Vortex, Strategic Dimensions

  • Bets and Objectives


  • Principles

  • Innovation Vortex

  • Dependency Breakers

Learning Objectives

  • What is the impact of AI on the way we work together?

  • What is the unFIX model, and how to apply its patterns?

  • How do we move beyond agile scaling frameworks?

Some familiarity with agile and lean methods and principles in general. Deep experience is not necessary, but we won’t be explaining basic concepts such as feedback cycles and continuous improvement. 😉​​


  • For more information, please contact me.

Delegation board typical for teams
Overview of the unfix pattern library: Structural, Teaming, Decision, Goal-Setting, Process & Growth Patterns
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